Thursday, April 22, 2010

Doggie Dog World

Hello fellow bloggers, as promised I will not bore you with nonsense. Therefore, today I would like to let everyone know that Amunet Studios has the greatest opportunity to do some community service. As some of you may know we have a dog-named Loki, he is half pit bull and chocolate lab. The best dog ever, anyways he goes to Banfield pet hospital for all of his check-ups. Well, recently we had him neutered (control pet population) and we were informed that Banfield is having a charity drive to raise money for those unfortunate pets whose owners can not afford to pay their vet visit. After getting all of the details from their corporate office, Amunet Studios will be a sponsor at the charity drive. The event takes place May 8, 2010 from 11am-4pm at

Banfield Pet Hospital
1370 Dogwood Drive
Conyers, Ga.

There will be a $2.00 charge if you would like to take a photo with your pet. The $2.00 will be a donation to the charity drive. Banfield will be selling raffle tickets for $5. The winner of the raffle will get our $99 package (this will include 1-8x10, 2-5x7, 24 wallets, and image on CD.) There will be a $2.00 charge if you would like to take a photo with your pet. The $2.00 will be a donation to the charity drive. Banfield will be selling raffle tickets for $5. The winner of the raffle will get our $99 package. We are so excited and honored to be a part of such a wonderful charity drive. We are animal lovers and I am sure that some of my fellow bloggers are animal lovers too. We ask that you make your way May 8th to Banfield Pet Hospital in Conyers and make a small donation or enter to win our $99 package.

If you cannot make it on May 8th that is okay, all we ask is for you to love your four-legged friend unconditionally. You see,I told this blog wouldn't be boring. Thanks for reading.

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