Monday, May 3, 2010

Postcards are here!!!

Hello Bloggers,

  As I had promised, I was going to let you guys know when we got our banner and postcards in. Well they are in, and they look GREAT! Here is a picture of the postcard.....

Back Side

Okay so thats the poscard..The banner looks exactly like the postcard, except there is NO backside design to the banner. The postcards are for the Charity Trust Drive for Banfield Pet Hospital May 8th. Please come out and support your local pet hospital Banfield in Conyers, at the Home Depot shopping center.

In other interesting news, we have not heard any word yet about the Miracle League, hopefully we will be able to become sponsors for them. It's a great charity and we would be honored to be apart of it. Also on the 8th of May, Amunet Studios will be at the Annual MCJROTC Celebration later that evening. The cadets are going to be honored for their community service and get pinned with their new ranks. It will surely be a night to remember.

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